Thursday, January 24, 2008

1 John Part 14

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

John went on to address a common heresy of that time, that Jesus had not really come in the flesh but was some kind of spirit being. While this particular false teaching may not be common today, there is a whole host of false teachings to take its place.

There are many false teachings and teachers that most people can see coming a mile away. Cults and televangelists come to mind. Some of their antics and ideas are so goofy that few fall for their ideas, though there is always someone who does.

There are other teachings that might seem true if you do not know your Bible well. The health and wealth gospel appeals to our greedy nature. Twist a few verses, and you're there. Of course Jesus promised us trouble in this world so I guess I can't believe in the health and wealth gospel and the true gospel of Jesus Christ at the same time. Oh well...

I believe there are many other false spirits that we believe much more easily. They do not always come in the form of a television preacher or a door to door evangelist; they come in the form of thoughts planted by Satan and the slow drip of worldly culture into our minds. We entertain thoughts because of a messed up childhood. Maybe dad wasn't a good example of a loving father, and we believe our Father in heaven is angry and unpredictable even though the Bible says he is slow to anger and never changes. Maybe we think that we're worth less because we're not pretty or we're overweight, even though God looks at what's inside a person and sent his Son to die for us. These spirits are the ones that must be tested, and man should they fail the test! But we don't test these spirits and let them into our minds and hearts with little or no protest at all.

Remember... take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5b